Antitrust Essentials

Subscriber price: $25.00, Non-subscriber price: $30.00
Estimated total study time: 45 minutes

As the complexities of the business world multiply, so do potential antitrust problems for a business enterprise up and down its organizational chain. An intricate web of federal, state and international statutes and regulations poses significant dangers for both intentional and inadvertent antitrust violations—organizations are fined, mergers and acquisitions are thwarted, enormous litigation costs pile up, and people go to jail. Just as important, organizations and their employees become afraid to be inventive, aggressive and competitive in completely legitimate ways.

Thus, it is crucial that organizations train their employees on the basic what, why and how of antitrust enforcement: (1) what are the basic legal principles, and what problems can occur in the real world in dealings with colleagues, customers, competitors, suppliers and business partners; (2) why is compliance with antitrust law important to your organization's business goals and the free-enterprise system in general, and why is avoiding violations and civil and criminal penalties so important; and (3) how to recognize potential problems and deal with them appropriately, and how to compete creatively and legitimately.

This 45-minute course explains the basic principles of U.S. antitrust law in understandable terms. It includes pop quizzes, news clippings and a final quiz highlighting real-world compliance issues that employees should learn to recognize and respond to appropriately. The topics covered in the course include:

Antitrust Essentials