OS5u—Forklift Operator Safety Training

Subscriber price: $30.00, Non-subscriber price: $45.00
Estimated total study time: 2 hours 40 minutes [Enroll now]

This course teaches basic forklift operating procedures with an emphasis on universal safety concerns and procedures. It is designed to meet U.S. OSHA required safety training as specified in 29 CFR 1910.178, both initial certification training and refresher training using sub-courses as MAY be required. Note: Some states have state-level forklift safety regulations in addition to the federal OSHA regulations which may affect operator training. State safety regulations are not addressed in this training. Employers should determine if state regulations affect forklift safety training, and if so must supplement this training as appropriate.

This course covers theory and procedures applicable to most forklift trucks designed for use on hard surfaces powered by both propane and electric motors. It does NOT address additional safety concerns when operating:

The course consists of:

This course requires a trainer-evaluator at the student's facility to conduct the "hands-on" performance evaluations for each student. Per OSHA rules, this must be a person with "the knowledge, training, and experience to train ... (forklift) operators and evaluate their competence."

Each of these performance evaluation modules consist of a preparatory remarks and a downloadable instructive checklist to guide the "hands-on" training as needed, and the subsequent a performance evaluation conducted in the workplace by a company-designated trainer-evaluator. When the student passes an evaluation, the trainer-evaluator marks the particular evaluation (checklist) as passed using a link in the email which notified him/her of the operator training assignment. This notification message will provide needed instructions to the evaluator as well.

This training will be completed when the student has completed the three on-line lessons and the evaluator has marked all evaluated exercise modules as "passed" or, for optional modules, as not-applicable, in the system. Upon completion of this course, the system will send the evaluator an email message confirming completion, with a certificate as well as a wallet card for the evaluator to sign and provide to the student (now a company-certified forklift operator)

Important: The on-line portion of this training course is not sufficient for certification of an forklift operator under U.S. OSHA and most other jurisdiction regulations. The operator must also complete "hands on" training as needed and then pass a performance evaluation in the workplace on the particular forklift(s) to be operated. These "hands-on" performance evaluation modules (worksheets) are assigned as a package (i.e., as part of this "course"). Particular modules may also be separately assigned for use when the type of forklift or work conditions change and therefor added training is required.

Forklift Safety & Training Responsibilities

This lesson consists of an overview of training and safety responsibilities, as specified under OSHA rules (29 CFR 1910.177), and previews the training subject matter and process for the student.

(Estimated study time: 35 minutes)

Forklift Functionality & Safe Operation

This module uses a narrated youtube presentation to address the various types of forklift trucks, basic functionality common to all, the hazards faced when operating a forklift, and how to avoid accidents and injury.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 36 minutes)

Preparing for "Hands-On" Learning and Performance Evaluation

This module uses a narrated slide show and video presentation to address the various types of forklift trucks, basic functionality common to all, the hazards faced when operating a forklift, and how to operate safely without accidents and injury.

(Estimated study time: 28 minutes)

OS5.1u—Propane Forklift Pre/Post Operation

OS5.2u—Electric Forklift Pre/Post Operation

Forklift Driving, Maneuvering and Parking Checklist

This module will prepare you for your hands-on training and performance evaluation in safely driving, maneuvering and parking a forklift.

(Estimated study time: 1 minute)

Forklift Load Handling Basics Checklist

This module will prepare you for your hands-on training and performance evaluation in forklift load handling basics.

(Estimated study time: 1 minute)

OS5.5u—Loading/Unloading Trucks Using a Forklift

OS5.6u—Forklift Operation Inside Conveyances

OS5.7u—Using Forklift Fork Extenders