C3—Destination Country Import & Transit Requirements
Subscriber price: $144.00, Non-subscriber price: $185.00
Estimated total study time: 10 hours 30 minutes
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This course is an introduction to the range of documents which are always or sometimes required by customs authorities throughout the world in order for a company or individual to obtain customs release of imported goods and otherwise comply with national laws relating to the product. Examples of typical documents and procedures are provided.
Why Countries Regulate Imports and Forms of Regulation
This lesson covers the various reasons governments regulate imports, and means typically used to do this.
(Estimated study time: 58 minutes)
- Introduction
- Sovereignty — Authority over Commerce/Citizens
- General
- Government Revenue (Duty/Taxes)
- Political and Domestic Policy Objectives
- Internal Security
- Public Health and Safety
- Environmental Protection
- Wealth Retention
- Tax Law Enforcement
- Culture and Lifestyle Objectives
- Foreign Policy Objectives
- National Security
- Treaty Implementation/Compliance
- Restrictive Trade Policies/Boycotts/Sanctions
- Economic and Commercial Objectives
- Protection of Domestic Industry
- Management of Foreign Exchange
- Trade Leverage/Competitive Advantage
- Protection of Intellectual Property
- Funding Objectives
- Laws
National and Multilateral Import Controls; Sources of Information on National Import Requirements
This lesson provides an understanding of how various types of import controls operate, and where to obtain information on import controls and documentation requirements for a specific country.
(Estimated study time: 52 minutes)
- Introduction
- Components of National Import Regulation
- Laws & Customs Regulations — General
- Importer Level Controls, Licensing
- Transaction Level Controls; Import Licenses/Permits
- Foreign Exchange Controls
- Multinational Agreements/Controls/Quotas
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Multi-Lateral and Bi-Lateral Free Trade Agreements
- General
- USMCA, as an Example
- Endangered Species Protection
- Nuclear/Chemical/Biological Weapons Non-Proliferation
- Wassenaar Arrangement
- Quota Agreements
- Sources of Destination Country Information
- Country Information Publications
- Book and CD-ROM Publications
- Web-Based Publications
- Use of Trade Publications
- Consular Representatives
- Foreign Chambers of Commerce & Business Councils
- Foreign Customs Brokers /Agents
- The Importer
Pre-Import Controls; Overview of Customs Clearance
This lesson addresses types of import controls imposed by destination countries, as well as typical customs clearance procedures and requirements an importer faces.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 4 minutes)
- Introduction
- Pre-Importation Controls
- Quotas
- Transaction Pre-Approval
- Pre-Shipment Approval
- Import Verification Programs (Pre-Shipment Inspection)
- Purpose—Proactive Verification of What is Shipped
- Countries Using Import Verification Programs
- Time and Place of Inspection
- Inspection Certificate
- Customs Clearance Generic Commercial DocumentsProcessing
- Cargo Arrival/Admissibility
- Shipment Release Processing
- Undocumented Articles
- Compliance with Domestic Laws/Regulation
- General
- Product Safety/Compliance Approvals
Carrier & Transit Cargo Regulation; Carnets
This lesson addresses controls exercised by nations over goods which transit the country en route to another foreign destination, and ATA carnets, useful for the temporary importation of goods within many countries.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 27 minutes)
- Introduction
- International Transport Carrier & Transit Cargo Regulation
- General
- "Territorial Waters" and National Regulation of Vessels and Aircraft
- In-Transit Cargo Regulated
- Safety Regulations
- Dangerous Goods
- Maritime Operating Safety & Responsibility
- Conventions Regulating Cargo Transportation
- En Route/Transit Customs Requirements
- General — Customs Authorities
- Harmonized Customs Procedures
- Restricted and Contraband Cargo
- Enforcement of International Treaties En Route
- Enforcement of Restrictive Trade Policies/Embargoes
- ATA Carnet Overview
- What is an ATA Carnet?
- Carnet Benefits
- Uses of an ATA Carnet
- Limitations on Use of Carnets
Customs Entry Procedure; Commercial Invoice & Packing List
This lesson goes deeper into the "customs entry" process and examines the importance of, and proper preparation of, three key documents used for customs clearance -- the commercial invoice, packing list and transport document.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 21 minutes)
- Introduction
- The "Customs Entry" Process
- Customs Entry/Release Procedures
- Key Commercial Documents
- Product-Based Documents
- Generic Commercial Document Requirements
- Commercial Invoice
- General
- Source Document for Commodity Description and Other Multi-Purpose Information
- Commodity Description for HTS Classification Purposes
- Import License/Import Permit
- Destination Country Information/Invoice Requirements
- Other Uses of the Commercial Invoice
- Packing List
- General Requirement
- Packing List Problems
- Pro-Forma Invoice
- Transport Document
Certificates of Origin; Consular Invoice/Legalization
There are a variety of reasons a government may wish to know the country of origin of imported goods. This lesson covers various types of certificates of origin and requirements by some countries for consular legalization of the shipper's commercial invoice and other transaction documents in the country of origin.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 38 minutes)
- Introduction
- Certificates of Origin
- Function/Purpose
- Country of Origin Determination
- General C/O Determination
- Complex Country of Origin Determination; Chief Value
- Destination Country-of-Origin Criteria Vary
- Origin Country Criteria for Certificates of Origin
- Specific Country Forms
- Criteria for General Purpose Certificate of Origin Form
- Products of Multiple Origin Countries Shipped Together
- Preparation of General Purpose Certificate of Origin
- Format
- Shipper Signature
- Notarization
- Chamber of Commerce Certification
- Rationale
- Deputation of Forwarders
- Foreign Chambers of Commerce, Trade Organizations
- Free Trade Agreement Certificates of Origin
- Certificate of Origin as Part of another Form
- Consular Legalization
- General
- Document Processing
- Import License/Permit Verification
- Fees
- Time/Deadlines/Expertise
Product-Based Import Documents
For certain types of products, customs and other governmental authorities typically require additional documents before permitting importation. This lesson covers such products and their respective associated special documentation.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 3 minutes)
- Introduction
- Product-Based Document Requirements
- Dangerous Goods
- Animals, Plants, Products Thereof — General Requirements
- General—Significant Requirements to Contain Serious Risks
- Live Animals
- Meat, Dairy and other Minimally Processed Animal Products
- Plants, Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds
- General
- Preparation for Inspection/Shipment
- Pre-Shipment Fumigation or Other Treatment of Certain Plant Products
- Non-Manufactured Wood Packing Materials (NMWP)
- Other Special Import Documentation Requirements
- "Free Sale Certificate"
- Type-Approval/Product Testing Requirements
- Gray Market Goods; Intellectual Property
- Anticipating Requirements
Country-Specific Documents; Preparation and Processing Requirements
This lesson addresses one final type of document which is still required by a few countries—a country-specific customs/consular invoice—and then continues with the steps for preparing/obtaining the needed documents for a particular country.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 9 minutes)
- Introduction
- General
- Variation in Requirements by Shipment Circumstances; Language
- Freight Forwarder as Expert
- Sources of Information/Assistance
- Language Requirements
- Customs/Consular Invoice
- Function/Purpose
- Specific Country Requirements
- General
- Reproducible Forms
- Consular Forms/"Blanks"
- Process Flowchart
- Document Preparation/Legalization
- Documents Must Be Complete and Accurate
- Plan Sufficient Time for Processing
- Specific Document Processing
- Certificate of Origin
- Customs Invoice
- Consular Invoice/Legalization
- Product-Based Documents
Post-Customs Entry Requirements
(Estimated study time: 57 minutes)
- Introduction
- Import Controls/Enforcement Following Arrival Into Country
- Quarantine
- ISPM-15 Requirement for Wood Packing Material
- Fumigation, Irradiation
- Filth, Contamination, Minimum Legal Standards
- Other Testing/Analysis Following Importation
- Product Marking, Labeling, Packaging Requirements
- Delivery Verification
- Denial of Customs Entry
- Seizure/Forfeiture
- General
- Constructive Seizure
- Seizure/Forfeiture NOT Generally an Insurable Loss